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Vladimir Kush의 초현실주의 작품 감상

by DAVID2 2016. 2. 11.
African Sonata

Arrival of the Flower Ship

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Born to Fly

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Breakfast on the Lake

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Butterfly Apple

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Daisy Games

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Departure of the Winged Ship

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Eye of the Needle

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Fashionable Bridge

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Fauna in La Mancha

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Fish in the City

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Forgotten Glasses

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Golden Anniversary

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Horn of Babel

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Journey Along the Edge of the Earth

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Last Supper

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist


The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Sunrise by the Ocean

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

Treasure Island

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist

What the Fish was Silent For

The Outstanding Work of a Talented Surreal Artist


Vladimir Kush

1965년 러시아에서 태어난 화가 및 조각가로  Surikov Moscow Art Institute를 졸업하고

후에 미국으로 이민와 하와이에서 작업하고 있다.

2011년 Cannes에서 개최된 국제 Artistes du Monde 대회에서 1등상을 수상하였다.
