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Serendipity Singers / Don't Let The Rain Come Down

by DAVID2 2013. 7. 15.



그간 오락가락 하던 장마비가 요즘은 거의 매일 하루종일 퍼붓는다
집안도 축축하고 눅눅한 분위기에 빨래도 잘 마르지 않고 ....
덕분에 금년 여름은 그리 큰 더위를 느끼며 보내고 있지는 않지만
이제는 찬란한 태양이 그리워진다.
오늘 오후 다행히 햇빛이 잠깐 그 얼굴을 내밀었지만
아직도 장마가 물러가려면 한참 더 있어야 할듯....
비가 이제는 그쳤으면 하는 마음으로
' Don't Let The Rain Come Down'을 감상해 본다.


The Serendipity Singers의 1964년도 히트송
Don't Let The Rain Come Down 입니다.
지붕은 새는데 비는 그치지 않고...
이러다 익사하겠네.
비야 제발 그쳐다오.....

1960년대 초 University of Colorado의 대학생들이던 Bryan Sennet, Mike Brovsky와

Brooks Hatch의 주도하에 Lynne Weintraub, Diane Decker,Tommy Tieman,
John Madden. Jon Arbenz와 Bob Young등 총 9명으로 결성된 Folk Group.
Don't Let The Rain Come Down (Crooked Little Man)은 그들의 대표곡으로

1964년 챠트 10위권내 진입한 곡이다.

(Ah, ah) Oh, no, don't let the rain come down
(Ah, ah) Oh, no, don't let the rain come down
(Ah, ah) Oh, no, don't let the rain come down
My roof's got a hole in it and I might drown
Oh, yes, my roof's got a hole in it and I might drown
There was a crooked man and he had a crooked smile
Had a crooked sixpence and he walked a crooked mile
Had a crooked cat and he had a crooked mouse
They all lived together in a crooked little house 



Well, this crooked little man and his crooked little smile

Took his crooked sixpence and he walked a crooked mile
Bought some crooked nails and a crooked little bat
Tried to fix his roof with a rat-tat-tat-tat-tat


Now this crooked little man and his crooked cat and mouse
They all live together in a crooked little house
Has a crooked door with a crooked little latch
Has a crooked roof with a crooked little patch




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