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Bill Anderson & Mary Lou Turner / Sometimes

by DAVID2 2012. 8. 5.

Bill Anderson & Mary Lou Turner / Sometimes  



Sometimes는 Bill Anderson이 작곡한 곡으로 1975년 Mary Lou Turner와 듀엣으로 발표하여

미국 빌보드 컨츄리 챠트 1위에 오른 곡이다.

Mary Lou Turner는 1947년 미국 Kentucky주에서 태어난 컨츄리 싱거로 Bill Anderson과

듀엣으로 그리고 나중에는 솔로로 활동하였다.


Bill Anderson & Mary Lou Turner / Sometimes

Hello beautiful, are you married? (Sometimes.)
Tell me are you happy? (Yes, sometimes.)

(Mary Lou)
But sometimes I feel like I've just got to get away
From the same old existence day after day.
Oh, haven't you ever felt that way? (Sometimes.)
I can see you're married, don't you love her? (Sometimes.)
But you have thought of cheating, haven't you? (Yes, sometimes.)

Sometimes I long for a warm tender kiss
Just to see if there's anything I might have missed
Oh, haven't you ever felt like this? (Sometimes.)

And it's beginning to feel like
This might be one of those sometimes
Those one times in a lifetime.

I'm aching to hold you, kiss and console you
Drive you right out of your mind
But I know when I do
I won't get over you for quite sometime.

I'm aching to hold you, kiss and console you
Drive you right out of your mind
But I know when I do
I won't get over you for quite sometime...

Bill Anderson & Mary lou Turner / That's what made me love you

1976년 미국 컨츄리 챠트 7위곡


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