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Recitation Song/Teddy Bear

by DAVID2 2020. 3. 7.

어제  Truckers의 이야기를 다룬 Convoy라는 곡을 소개한데 이어 오늘도 

Truckers의 이야기인  Teddy Bear라는 곡을 또 소개합니다.

Red Sovine(1917 – 1980)

미국 West Virginia 주에서 본명 Woodrow Wilson "Red" Sovine 로 태어난

가수겸 작곡자로 각각 미국 빌보드챠트 1위에 오른 Giddyup Go(1965)와

Teddy Bear (1976)등 주로 Recitation Song을 발표하였다.

두곡 모두 미국 고속도로를 질주하는 Trucker들의 이야기를 노래하고 있다.

Red Sovine / Teddy Bear (1976)

Red Sovine이 Billy Joe Burnette, Tommy Hill, Dale Royal과 함께 작곡한 곡으로

1976년 빌보드 컨츄리 챠트 1위에 오른곡으로 간단한 내용은 아래와 같다.

대형 화물트럭(18 Wheeler)의 운전사(Trucker)인 나는 어느 마을의 고속도로 근처를 지나고

있던중 Teddy Bear라는 아이디의 소년이 방송하는 19채널의 전파를 잡게 되었다.

그의 방송으로 우리에게 알려준 내용은 역시 Trucker였던 그의 아버지가 한달전 교통사고로

사망한후 어머니는 돈을 벌러 매일 집을 비워야 하고 소아마비인 Teddy Bear는 집에서 아버지가

쓰시던 CB(Citizens Band) 무선 래디오로 지나가는 Trucker들과 대화를 나누는 것이 유일한

 낙이라는 것이였다.

그리고 예전에는 아버지가 한가할때 가끔 대형화물트럭에 태워주곤 했는데 아버지가 떠나신

 후 더이상 트럭을 타보지 못했는데 이제는 실현될수 없는 꿈이 되었다는 것이였다.

마지막으로 그는 이 방송을 듣는 분들중 다시 이주변을 지나가신다면 다시 대화를 나눴으면

좋겠다는 인사를 하였다.

 나는 그에게 집주소를 물어보았고 시간적으로 빠듯한 일정이였지만 그의 집으로 향했다.

그의 집앞에 도착하니 이미 여러대의 Truck들이 도착해 있었고 그들은 한사람씩 Teddy Bear를

자기들의 Truck에 태워주고 있었다.

내차례를 기다려 그를 태워주고 모두들 그에게 하직인사를 하는 순간 나는 아마 행복이라는

모습이 있다면 그것은은 바로 그의 얼굴에 나타난 모습이라 생각하고 이미 늦은 스케줄을

맞추러 바삐 떠났다. 얼마후 그 채널에서 다시 시그널이 잡혔다.

이번엔 Teddy Bear가 아니고 그의 어머니였다.

어머니가 방금 귀가하여 행복해 하는 아들의 이야기를 듣고 그를 행복하게 해준 Trucker

여러분께 감사를 전하고 안전운행을 위해 기도하겠다는 내용이였다.

Diana Williams / Teddy Bear's Last Ride

 Red Sovine의 Teddy Bear의 후속 곡으로  Teddy Bear의 어머니 친구가 방송하는

 내용으로 그가 건강악화로 세상을 떠났다는 소식과 그간 그와 대화를 나눠주어

그를 행복하게 해준 Trucker들에게 대신 감사한다는 내용이다.

그런데 어찌된 일인지 그의 장례식날 그동네에 수많은 대형트럭들이 찾아와

같이 슬퍼해주었다는 이야기이다.

 Teddy Bear 

I was on the outskirts of a little southern town
Trying to reach my destination before the sun went down
The old CB was blarin' away on Channel 1-9
When there came a little boy's voice on the radio line
And he said breaker 1-9 is anyone there
Come on back truckers and talk to Teddy Bear
I keyed the mike and I said you got it Teddy Bear
And the little boy's voice came back on the air
Appreciate the breaker who we got on that end
I told him my handle and then he began
Though I'm not supposed to bother you fellows out there
Mom says you're busy and for me to stay off the air
But you see I get lonely and it helps to talk
Cause that's about all I can do I'm crippled and I can't walk
I came back and told him to fire up that mike
And I'd talk to him as long as he'd liked
This was my dad's radio the little boy said
But I guess it's mine and mom's now cause my daddy's dead
Dad had a wreck about a month ago
He was tryin' to get home in a blinding snow
Mom has to work now to make ends meet
And I'm not much help with my two crippled feet
She says not to worry that we'll make it alright
But I hear her cryin' sometimes late at night
You know there's one thing I want more than anything else to see
Oh I know you guys are too busy to bother with me
But you see my dad used to take me for rides when he was home
But I guess that's all over now since my daddy's gone
Not one breaker came on the old CB as that little crippled boy talked with me
I tried hard to swallow a lump just wouldn't stay down
As I thought about my boy back in Greenville town
Dad was gonna take mom and me with him later on this year
Why I remember him sayin' someday
This old truck will be yours Teddy Bear
But I know now I'll never get a ride on 18-wheeler again
But this old base'll keep me in touch with all my trucker friends
Teddy Bear's gonna back on out now and leave you alone
Cause it's about time for mom to come home
But you give me shout when you're passin' through
And I'll surely be happy to come back to you
Well I came back and I said before you go 10-10
What's your home 20 little CB friend
He gave me his address and I didn't once hesitate
Cause this hot load of freight would just have to wait
I turned that truck around on a dime
And headed straight for Jackson Street 229
And as I rounded the corner oh I got one the heck of a shock
18-wheeler were lined up for three city blocks
I guess every driver for miles around had caught Teddy Bear's call
And that little crippled boy was havin' a ball
For as fast as one driver would carry him in
Another would carry him to his truck and take off again
Well you better believe I took my turn rifin' Teddy Bear
And then carried him back in and put him down in his chair
And buddy if I never live to see happiness again
I want you to know I saw it that day in the face of that little man
We took up a collection for him before his mama got home
And each driver said goodbye and then they were all gone
He shook my hand with a mile long grin and said so long trucker I'll catch you again
Ah I hit that Interstate with tears in my eyes
I turned on the radio and I got another surprice
Breaker 1-9 came the voice on the air
Just one word of thanks from mama Teddy Bear
We wish each and everyone a special prayer for you
Cause you just made my little boy's dream come true
I'll sign off now before I start to cry may God ride with you 10-4 and goodbye


'음악 > 특별기획' 카테고리의 다른 글

Recitation Song/Are You Lonesome Tonight?  (0) 2020.03.10
Recitation Song/Big Bad John  (0) 2020.03.09
Recitation Song/Convoy  (0) 2020.03.05
Recitation Song/Trouble in the Amen Corner  (0) 2020.03.04
Recitation Song/Roses For Mama   (0) 2020.03.03
